Powereful Quotes

How a Quote can IMPACT YOU!!!!!

Well, we are living in times, where there is literally stress around every corner. Even with the best efforts, stress cannot be avoided, so we all seek new and innovative ways of escape, or to simply handle this pressure.

motivational quotes capture and appeal to your subconscious mind, which indeed is the major portion of your entire mind. Creativity is found subtly embedded in the subconscious mind. It may instantaneously change your entire thought process, directing your energies towards a positive path. It is clear that when the subconscious is constantly filled with a flow of positive commands, there is uplift in your general outlook and personality. Psychologists recognise that positivity is vital to recover from illness, as even the demeanour of the body is affected by negative thoughts.

“Impossible is just an option”.

“You can either experience the pain of discipline or the pain of regret, the choice is yours”.

“Don’t tell next move”.

“Be your own motivation”.

“You must know when to say no”.

“Do it now”.

“Stop telling start doing”.

“Never say to yourself i can’t”.

“Today what you are is because your karma”.

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